May 7th Luncheon Featuring CADEM’s Shawnda Westly and Angie Tate

The Truman Club’s next lunch is Thursday May 7th at The Sterling Hotel, 13th & H Streets at 11:30

Shawnda Westly, Executive Director of the California Democratic Party & Angie Tate, Chief Financial Officer of the California Democratic Party

Shawnda is John Burton’s most loyal and trusted adviser. In 2012, California Democrats gained their first super-majority in both houses of the state Legislature in more than a century and picked up six seats in the House. Shawnda, and her team at the California Democratic Party, deserve much of the credit.

Angie prides herself on being behind the scenes. Anyone who has worked with Gov. Jerry Brown or the California Democratic Party knows that she gets things done and can manage a dime better than anyone. The Governor and other top Democratic politicos relied on Angie’s fundraising prowess in 2010 and 2012.

RSVP by Thursday April 27th to Ruth Gottlieb at 647-4080 or (so we can order enough lunches. And let Ruth know if you CAN’T attend (we have to pay for every unused lunch).

Tickets and sponsorships can be purchased by sending a check to:

The Harry S Truman Democratic Club (State ID# 810370; Federal ID# 94-2863864) Attn: Chip Wilkins c/o Remy, Moose & Manley, 555 Capitol Mall, Suite 800, Sacramento, CA 95814. Or pay

Tickets and sponsorships can be purchased by sending a check to:
The Harry S Truman Democratic Club (State ID# 810370; Federal ID# 94-2863864) Attn: Chip Wilkins c/o Remy,
Moose & Manley, 555 Capitol Mall, Suite 800, Sacramento, CA 95814. Or pay online: 

1 ticket: [nicepaypallite name="Luncheon Ticket" amount="55.00" quantity="1"] 2 tickets: [nicepaypallite name="Luncheon Ticket" amount="55.00" quantity="2"] 3 tickets: [nicepaypallite name="Luncheon Ticket" amount="55.00" quantity="3"] 4 tickets: [nicepaypallite name="Luncheon Ticket" amount="55.00" quantity="4"]

May 7th, 11:30–1:00 pm The Sterling Hotel, 13th & H Streets Single tickets, $55