2015 Sponsors

Thank you to our 2015 Sponsors. Their generosity makes our important work possible.

John Abbott and Lori Moreland Alice & Tim Ainsworth Bill Meehan and Friend
Teri Burns Carpenters Local 46 Carrie Cornwell
Roger Dickinson IBEW Local 340 Mike Johnson
Michael Kurtz Marcie Launey Rick Launey
Devin Lavelle Howard Lawrence Los Rios College Fed Teachers
Tony Mihanovich Burnett & Mimi Miler Larry Miles
Anna Molander Olson Hagel Operating Engineers Local 3
Kristin Otto Rick Parrott Michael Picker
Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 447 Remy Moose and Manley Sacramento Central Labor Council
Sac City Teachers Association Sac Firefighters 522 Bob Schelen
Sheet Metal Workers 104 Genevieve Shiroma Bill Slaton
Dan Visnich